Some Insights From Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer Life

Himanshu Mangal
3 min readMay 23, 2020


Photo by Arseny Togulev on Unsplash


Stack Overflow released the results of their 2019 survey of more than 90,000 developers.

So from about 90000 respondents on StackOverflow, there are about 2.5% Data Scientists or Machine learning specialists.

From this immense dataset of Data Scientist or ML specialists, I will give you Insights.

Now, I have a personal viewpoint on the reality of these statements. You likely have your own viewpoint. But what does the data suggest? The future of what is required to move into developer roles is based on the ideas of those who are currently on the path to be leaders in the space.

Are the Data Scientist or machine learning satisfied with their job or career?

Fig3: Job Satisfaction of ML/DS
Fig4: Career Satisfaction of ML/DS

You may not believe but these are the very surprising fact that more than 60 percent are satisfied with there job profile because According to The Economic Times Only 20 percent of employees satisfied with their jobs.

Fig5: Job Satisfaction of ML/DS

So if you want to why these Data scientists and ML specialists satisfied with their jobs just continue reading this article.

Why are these Data Scientist or ML Specialist satisfied with their jobs?

The most important factors for the data scientist while selecting a job.

1.Languages and frameworks they are working in.

2.Office Environment or company culture

3.Professional Development Opportunities.

Fig6: Habit of coding

As from the image, it is clear that about more than 80 percent are habitual or like code.

So, I think that these factors are satisfied in most of the Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer Jobs that's why we are getting so high satisfaction rate.

Data Scientist or Machine learning engineer to Open Source.

So, Data scientists or machine learning specialists are less likely to contribute to open Source Actively.

Why ? if they like to code or habitual to code why they do not contribute to Open Source?

Fig8: Hrs per Week

So, if see a general Work distribution of developer you see that they generally work about 40 to 50 hrs per week. So it is about 9 to 10 hrs per day if we consider that developers to work about 5 days a week.

So after such intense work, I don't think they will have enough enthusiasm to contribute to Open Source.

I hope this helps you for gaining some insights into Data Scientist Life.

